Economic Development Bills Sponsored By Senator Ivey-Soto
Economic Development Bills Sponsored By Senator Ivey-Soto
Click on the bill number and title to be taken to the bill on the New Mexico Legislature website.
This bill -- which is now law -- establishes a statutory policy that state occupational and professional licensure will be awarded to qualified applicants regardless of federal immigration status as permitted by the federal code.
This bill -- which is now law -- establishes a statutory policy that state occupational and professional licensure will be awarded to qualified applicants regardless of federal immigration status as permitted by the federal code.
This bill would have changed the governing board of a public improvement or tax increment district to be appointed rather than elected in order to ensure accountability to the formation entity and public in the administration of these public-private partnerships.
This bill would have changed the governing board of a public improvement or tax increment district to be appointed rather than elected in order to ensure accountability to the formation entity and public in the administration of these public-private partnerships.
This bill -- which is now law -- clarifies that regulations governing county subdivisions must be filed and made available to the public in the Office of the County Clerk in that county instead of through the State Records Administrator in Santa Fe.
This bill -- which is now law -- clarifies that regulations governing county subdivisions must be filed and made available to the public in the Office of the County Clerk in that county instead of through the State Records Administrator in Santa Fe.
This bill -- which is now law -- allows local governments to allocate gross receipts tax revenue to the needs of that community instead of being ear-marked for specified purposes.
This bill -- which is now law -- allows local governments to allocate gross receipts tax revenue to the needs of that community instead of being ear-marked for specified purposes.
The bill -- the content of which became law in 2019 -- sought to update the penalty provisions and due process in the Oil and Gas Act, as well as the amounts that could be levied in fines, for the first time since 1935.
The bill -- the content of which became law in 2019 -- sought to update the penalty provisions and due process in the Oil and Gas Act, as well as the amounts that could be levied in fines, for the first time since 1935.
This bill would have created the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Act as an economic development tool encouraging out-of-state investment in New Mexico while maintaining local accountability in the development of the project.
This bill would have created the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Act as an economic development tool encouraging out-of-state investment in New Mexico while maintaining local accountability in the development of the project.
This bill – which was signed into law – incorporates into the Department of Information Technology’s three year plan, a statewide broadband network using educational institutions as aggregation points, leveraging Federal E-Rate dollars to extend internet access to all parts of the state.
This bill – which was signed into law – incorporates into the Department of Information Technology’s three year plan, a statewide broadband network using educational institutions as aggregation points, leveraging Federal E-Rate dollars to extend internet access to all parts of the state.
This bill – which was pocket vetoed – would have removed the requirement to file county subdivision records at the state records center in addition to the County Clerk’s Office, where all other county records are filed.
This bill – which was pocket vetoed – would have removed the requirement to file county subdivision records at the state records center in addition to the County Clerk’s Office, where all other county records are filed.
This bill would have provided for a study and disclosure of tax payer funded purchases that are exempt from the procurement code.
This bill would have provided for a study and disclosure of tax payer funded purchases that are exempt from the procurement code.
This bill would have made New Mexico's High Wage Jobs Tax Credit competitive with surrounding states, and was recognized by the Senate President Pro Tem as encouraging exactly the kind of jobs the statewide Jobs Council was trying to attract.
This bill would have made New Mexico's High Wage Jobs Tax Credit competitive with surrounding states, and was recognized by the Senate President Pro Tem as encouraging exactly the kind of jobs the statewide Jobs Council was trying to attract.
This would have saved existing energy production tax credits and encouraged job growth.
This would have saved existing energy production tax credits and encouraged job growth.
This proposed constitutional amendment was supported by Albuquerque Economic Development, the Association of Commerce and Industry, and the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce. It would have permitted the creation of economic development and revitalization zones to encourage private investment in New Mexico.
This proposed constitutional amendment was supported by Albuquerque Economic Development, the Association of Commerce and Industry, and the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce. It would have permitted the creation of economic development and revitalization zones to encourage private investment in New Mexico.
This bill would have permitted revitalization of contaminated brownfields while attaching a covenant to the property restricting the use of that land.
This bill would have permitted revitalization of contaminated brownfields while attaching a covenant to the property restricting the use of that land.
This bill sought to implement the modernization of the structure for a limited liability company consistent with best business practices around the country. It was supported by the Corporations Division and will be pursued again in future years.
This bill sought to implement the modernization of the structure for a limited liability company consistent with best business practices around the country. It was supported by the Corporations Division and will be pursued again in future years.
This bill -- which is now law -- allowed the developer of Winrock Town Center to restructure the existing tax increment districts, and is directly responsible for enabling the current redevelopment of Winrock Town Center, which will ultimately result on over 2,000 jobs.
This bill -- which is now law -- allowed the developer of Winrock Town Center to restructure the existing tax increment districts, and is directly responsible for enabling the current redevelopment of Winrock Town Center, which will ultimately result on over 2,000 jobs.
This bill -- the content of which was passed in HB 641 (2013) and is now law -- deals with how manufacturing expenses are reported for taxation purposes, and is a key component hailed by economic development experts in encouraging manufacturing in New Mexico.
This bill -- the content of which was passed in HB 641 (2013) and is now law -- deals with how manufacturing expenses are reported for taxation purposes, and is a key component hailed by economic development experts in encouraging manufacturing in New Mexico.